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Tikveš Confirms Status as the Leading Winery in Southeastern Europe by Implementing ESG Standards

Tikveš Winery is the first company in the wine industry in the region to adopt the leading global ESG standards in environmental protection, positive social impact, and transparent corporate governance. Tikveš serves as an inspiration and motivation for other domestic companies to think and act responsibly for sustainable development.

This was a key message from the ESG standards implementation conference organized by Tikveš Winery, in collaboration with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and with financial support from the European Union – Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF). At the conference, Tikveš Winery presented its first ESG report for 2023.

“At Tikveš and our affiliated companies, we have always firmly believed that our work should have a greater effect, and our goal is to positively impact the environment, the community, and society as a whole. We want to provide opportunities for the young people of our country to realize their plans and dreams here, not abroad. That’s why we were the first to introduce ESG standards, starting their implementation years ago, and today we have our first ESG report. But our work doesn’t end here. As the challenges we face as humanity increase, so does the need for our involvement in new initiatives and topics. Environmental protection and the fight against climate change are among them,” said Svetozar Janevski, President of the Management Board of Tikveš Winery, in his opening address to the conference participants.

“We at Tikveš implemented these standards with our own efforts and funds. However, despite setting these standards, there is still insufficient awareness of companies’ needs in our country and beyond. Favorable loans to support the activities required by ESG standards are still lacking, preventing more companies from entering this field,” emphasized Janevski.

This process of implementing ESG standards is part of ongoing support from the EBRD and the Blue Ribbon program, which provides Tikveš with access to key consulting and advisory services in the company’s operational and financial activities.

“Solid environmental and sustainable development are at the heart of the EBRD’s mandate. In this context, it is an honor for us to be a pioneering institution introducing this concept in the country. We were honored to support Tikveš Winery on its journey to establish itself as the first sustainable winery in Central and Southeastern Europe. We encourage the private sector to contact our teams and embark on the journey of ecological and sustainable development to create long-term value for society,” said Fatih Türkmenoğlu, Head of the EBRD’s office in Skopje.

Panel discussions at the conference presented various aspects of the ESG sphere, including the regulatory framework, preparation and submission of ESG reports, building responsible value chains involving companies with implemented ESG standards, and highlighting best local practices and experiences. Among these were Tikveš’s example, as successful models that should inspire and motivate other domestic companies to boldly step into this significant area.


In the past three years since the introduction of ESG standards, Tikveš has implemented numerous activities and projects in all areas important for sustainable development. These include activities aimed at supporting and building partnerships with grape growers, improving processes, and introducing practices and standards that will enable the further development of domestic viticulture and winemaking, enhancing wine culture in our country, and ensuring the professional development and well-being of employees, the local community, partners, and collaborators, as well as the economy as a whole.

Projects included the construction of a photovoltaic power plant and the introduction of drip irrigation systems, enabling energy savings, reducing the carbon footprint, and protecting biodiversity, confirming Tikveš as the first green winery in the region and beyond. The conference also highlighted the introduction of precision viticulture technologies and the use of AI-based digital tools to ensure better control over vineyards, as well as intensive investments that enabled organic certification of vineyards and the production of the first organic wine.

All these activities and projects of Tikveš contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This includes joining the International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA), which consists of 40 leading global wineries that are leaders in environmental protection and natural resource conservation, with a science-based approach to reducing carbon emissions and their impact on climate change.

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Tikveš Winery