Tikves wines grow on the sun drenched wineyards, treated with lots of love and made and botteld by the top experts in the wine industry. The awards that our wines get are the ultimate proof of our dedication.

…and we pick every grape on our wineyards by hand. Grape by grape.

Rados Vukicevic


Although we stand at the crossroads of wine making over many centuries, our country is still not recognized as a world wine region, particularly for fine wines. Our mission is to change this awareness and move the region far from its image as a bulk wine source.

Tikveš winery takes its role in the community very seriously. Tikveš buys from more than 2,000 families so it’s important to pay fairly and give them a stable future. The winery is also committed to sustainability in this clean green land, reducing water use, investing in solar panels and planning to use winery waste for biomass.

Philippe Cambie

Chief Wine Consultant

I have found great terroir locations in Macedonia that benefit from the hot summers and cold winters of the continental climate. These terroir locations are of utmost importance in Europe, differing greatly from terroir locations in the other important wine-producing countries such as Italy, France and Spain.

Here we have wines with greater freshness and minerality, with more intense aromas that are fruit-forward in character. There is a general trend to plant European wine varieties, but we at Tikves have embarked on a new course to recreate Macedonian story, through its history.

We explored the old vineyards to discover wines that cannot be created anywhere else.

Marko Stojakovic

Head Winemaker

Head winemaker Marko Stojaković is a key figure at the winery. He is rooted in the region, born in Serbia, but grew up and studied in France at Bordeaux and Montpellier. A protégée of Cambie’s, he arrived at the winery aged just 27 in 2010, seeing a real opportunity to make a difference on a significant scale.

He explains that though this is a big company, it feels like family and they are open and progressive.

He manages a team of 12 oenologists who travel regularly to New Zealand, South Africa and Australia to learn more, an unusually open attitude in this region.

Nikola Stojakovic

Head Chef

Nikola Stojaković is bringing his French three- Michelin-starred cooking skills to Macedonia. He is behind the fine dine and wine in the winery. Managing the restaurant and its staff in they bring food excellence in Tikves.

In an effort to further eductate the public about the importance of the wine and dine match, he is also founding cookery school within the winery, open to all the wine and dine enthusiast.

Tikveš Winery